Film at Artscape: MdFF 2018 Comedy Shorts

31 Minutes

Throughout Artscape weekend, the SNF Parkway is proud to present shorts from the 2018 Maryland Film Festival completely FREE! Join us Saturday and Sunday, between 1 and 7 PM, when a different program of films will start at the top of each hour.

Comedy Shorts:
After the laughter comes tears. Sometimes those tears are from laughing so hard you cry, and sometimes they’re from crying so hard you eventually have to laugh. Whether fueled by chuckles found in the absurd, or the painful truths hidden in dark humor, these shorts are sometimes funny haha and sometimes funny oh no!


Saturday, July 21st: 2:00 PM
Sunday, July 22nd: 1:00 PM
Sunday, July 22nd: 6:00 PM


Film at Artscape is a program of the Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts, Inc. (BOPA). Artscape is produced by the Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts, Inc. on behalf of the Baltimore Festival of the Arts, Inc.

Additional Images
Jason Giampietro, 2017, USA, 4 MIN
Over mushroom barley soup and ketchup laden kasha two educators in a New York diner complain about being abused at school. When the conversation turns to Trump an opportunity for a history quiz arises.
Anna Margaret Hollyman, 2018, USA, 10 MIN
Teeny thought it was just another routine babysitting job—until she's shocked to meet the client. As the day goes on, Teeny decides to become the woman she had no idea she always wanted to be ... until she gets caught.
Push (شد على حالك )
Khalid Jabaly, 2017, United Arab Emirates, 11 MIN
“Push” is an emotive film that follows the journey of Hussam whilst going through mental and physical constipation after experiencing a break up with his ex-partner.
Chris McInroy, 2017, USA, 6 MIN
They just wanted to be cool. Instead, they got a demon.
