Citizen Jane: Battle for the City

2016, 92 minutes, Digital

Director: Matt Tyrnauer

Citizen Jane is a timely tale of what can happen when engaged citizens fight the power for the sake of a better world. Arguably no one did more to shape our understanding of the modern American city than Jane Jacobs, the visionary activist and writer who fought to preserve urban communities in the face of destructive development projects. Director Matt Tyrnauer (Valentino: The Last Emperor) vividly brings to life Jacobs’ 1960s showdown with ruthless construction kingpin Robert Moses over his plan to raze lower Manhattan to make way for a highway, a dramatic struggle over the very soul of the neighborhood.

“Tyrnauer transforms what could be a staid profile film into an urgent story about the dangers of urban renewal” – Village Voice

“As the world’s urban population grows by more than one million every week, so does the resonance of this documentary” ★★★★ – The Times

“Citizen Jane Tops New Limited Releases”
IndieWire – April 23, 2017

“How one woman harnessed people power to ‘save’ old New York”
The Guardian – April 22, 2017

“Citizen Jane Is a Primer on How to Resist Authoritarianism”
Vogue – April 21, 2017

Note: Special Event on Tuesday, June 6, 7pm
Co-presented by the Maryland Film Festival and Bikemore.

A panel discussion with Liz Cornish, Moderator (Executive Director, Bikemore), Robbyn T. Lewis, Panelist (Maryland State Delegate) and Kristin Jeffers, Panelist (Author/Blogger) will immediately follow the screening.
