Film at Artscape: MdFF 2018 Narrative Shorts

30 Minutes

Throughout Artscape weekend, the SNF Parkway is proud to present shorts from the 2018 Maryland Film Festival completely FREE! Join us Saturday and Sunday, between 1 and 7 PM, when a different program of films will start at the top of each hour.

Narrative Shorts:
These dramatic gems envelop characters within contentious and powerfully resonant scenes. In them, figures combat physical threats, rehashed memories, and awkward exchanges. Punctuated by dashes of laughter, these Narrative Shorts are high on drama, but also vibrantly human.


Saturday, July 21st: 3:00 PM
Sunday, July 22nd: 2:00 PM


Film at Artscape is a program of the Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts, Inc. (BOPA). Artscape is produced by the Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts, Inc. on behalf of the Baltimore Festival of the Arts, Inc.

Additional Images
Logan George & Celine Held, 2018, USA, 12 MIN
When plans fall through, a six-year-old is faced with a big responsibility on a hot Texas day.
Tony Oswald, 2018, USA, 11 MIN
When the matriarch of a rural Kentucky family takes issue with the behavior of her daughter's boyfriend at a gathering to view the total solar eclipse, she's forced to confront her own mysterious past.
David Brundige, 2018, USA, 7 MIN
A modern couple can't connect over Lindsey's new short hair.
