RUMUR Series: Half-Cocked

Director: Suki Hawley
RUMUR is a filmmaking collaborative made up of Suki Hawley, Michael Galinsky, and David Beilinson. Together they have made 8 feature films and countless shorts. They make both narrative and documentary films. “Half-Cocked” and “Radiation” were their first two films that utilize a doc hybrid style with all of the actors basically playing themselves. They are currently in production on several documentaries.
The SNF Parkway is excited to bring four films from RUMUR to our screens this October. Visit each film’s page to learn more and see showtimes:
About HALF-COCKED: Made in 1994 in Louisville, Nashville and Chattanooga, HALF-COCKED follows a group of kids who steal a van full of music equipment and pretend to be a band in order to stay on the road. The film features Ian Svenonius and members of Rodan and The Grifters, playing versions of themselves. With music by Unwound, Slant 6, Freakwater, Versus, Polvo, Smog, Helium and others. After completing the film Hawley and Galinsky took the film on tour showing it rock clubs across the US and Europe.
“It doesn’t seem too bold to say Half-Cocked is an Easy Rider for the 90’s and deserves as much attention.”-Eric Gladstone, ALTERNATIVE PRESS
“Bracing in it’s dry humor and first hand accuracy”-VARIETY
“Hawley and Galinsky know how to make pictures shudder with feeling”- MANOHLA DARGIS
“Life among young bohos and would-be rockers gets a strikingly true-to-life treatment in the deadpan road movie “Half-Cocked.” Co-creators Suki Hawley and Michael Galinsky are indie-rock scene veterans, experience that shows in every frame. While the no-budgeter may be too insiderish and understated for the Generation X masses, its wry comic veracity could score a bull’s-eye with hip college auds.”- Godfrey Cheshire