1976, 91 minutes

Director: Tobe Hooper
R.I.P. Horror Masters
Two legendary horror directors passed away in 2017, Tobe Hooper and George Romero. To usher in Halloween, MdFF is proud to present a double feature of early works by these genre-film masters, Romero’s THE CRAZIES (released between Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead) and Hooper’s EATEN ALIVE (his follow-up to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre).
Tickets can be purchased for individual titles, or together at a discounted double-feature price.
Eaten Alive:
Eaten Alive mixes an aggressive, hallucinatory drive with the out-of-control theatrics of an off-off-Broadway tribulation.Neville Brand is unforgettable as the gibbering yokel manning a decrepit swampside motel (beautifully rendered on a dusty soundstage.) As Nightmare On Elm Street‘s Robert Englund, Phantom of the Paradise‘s William Finley and Chainsaw‘s Marilyn Burns make their way to this charnel house, Brand brandishes his trusty scythe…Eaten Alive‘s non-stop carousel of freakitude embodies the mania Hooper can be so adept at catching in a bottle.