Sister Cities Animated!

85 minutes, Digital
USA, Egypt, Greece, Netherlands, and China

Presented by: Sweaty Eyeballs

Sweaty Eyeballs is proud to present Sister Cities Animated! A program of 20 international short animated films created by artists working and/or residing in Baltimore and in Baltimore’s Sister Cities. Curated by animator Lynn Tomlinson (Towson University) and assistant curator Safiyah Cheatam. Program includes animation from the following cities:

Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Alexandria & Luxor, Egypt
Piraeus, Greece
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Xiamen, China

Come out for a wonderful night of diverse animated short films and vote for your pick for the Audience Choice Award!

$10 General / $8 Member / $5 for students with valid student ID

For more information visit

Visit Baltimore Sister Cities website

Additional Images
13_A Moment in Time_Alexandria
19_The Living Things_Baltimore
14_Boxed Heart_Xiamen
