Sweaty Eyeballs presents Baltimore Animation Showcase
65 minutes
Sweaty Eyeballs Animation series returns in March with the Baltimore Animation Showcase, an eclectic mix of animated short films created by Baltimore area artists and students. The screening ranges from absurd comedy to experimental exploration all with an emphasis on the beauty of movement and story telling unique to animated forms. The screening includes stop motion, hand drawn, 3D CGI, and hybrid approaches to animated filmmaking. Come out to see the amazing local animation scene that Baltimore has to offer!
Animators Include:
Corrie Francis Parks, Ben Shaffer, Marnie Ellen Hertzler, Dan Fipphen, Elyse Kelly, Lynn Tomlinson, Albert Birney, Ru Kuwahata, Max Porter, Zoe Friedman, Alan Resnick, Clarissa Gregory, Khamar Hopkins, Karen Yasinsky, Kat Navarro, Vanessa King, and students from Baltimore School for the Arts.
Running Time – 65 minutes (Q&A after the screening)
Sweaty Eyeballs Animation is curated by Phil Davis (Towson University) and Max Porter (MICA). For more information visit sweatyeyeballs.com