International Competition: Block 3

2019, 86 minutes, Digital, Not appropriate for children

A man with large ears, bicycle wheel zoetropes, existential crisis, colorful clothing patterns, peeing on electric fences, lost loves, little men hiding in the dresser drawers, digital narcissism, and an unhealthy relationship with mom. This unique program of international animated short films offers up a veritable mix tape of emotions, styles, and visual techniques. Not appropriate for children.

Ticket Prices for the Sweaty Eyeballs Animation Festival:

Opening Night: $42
Regular Admission: $13
Students/Military/Seniors: $11 (at the Parkway box office – valid ID required)
MdFF Members: $10


Additional Images
Deepness of the Fry
August Niclasen – 4:02 – Denmark
What makes us special? What makes us stand out? What makes us unique? Nothing. Deepness of the Fry is an existential crisis in film form.
Christoph Sarow – 9:38 – Germany
Vast plains, colorful sceneries, a red dog, that seems to reach into the sky. This is how Tom experiences summer in Blieschow, his grandfather’s farm. He feels overwhelmed by the exuberance of nature and finds himself in a constant competition with his cousin, who is seemingly better at everything. Envy starts to grow in little Tom. Doing everything to be recognized and loved Tom soon reaches his limits.
Trauma Chameleon
Gina Kamentsky – 2:50 – United States
An escaped laboratory rat navigates through a sea of punctuation.
Peter Foltz – 2:13 – United States
A man who has been falling for as long as he can remember ponders the possibilities of what led him to this unfortunate circumstance.
There Were Four of Us
Cassie Shao – 6:47 – United States / China
In a room, there are four people.
Sensitive Hearing
Christopher Rutledge – 1:00 – United States
A person with exceptional hearing falls victim to the sounds of the world around them.
I Ain’t Gonna Suffer
Jennifer Klockner – 3:03 – United States
Using a custom-built zoetrope based on a bicycle wheel, the film consists of cycles. Each cycle attests to a specific line of a poem entitled “I Ain’t Gonna Suffer”. This poem is a personal piece in which I examine the possibility, opportunity, and capability I have to love myself; learning from the love I see around me. This film’s intention was to explore the idea of the obsolete and building off aesthetics of the past. The content is an obvious exploration of my own life in an effort to learn about how my life should continue to grow, how healthy it can and should be.
I’m Going Out for Cigarettes
Osman Cerfon – 13:35 – France
Jonathan, twelve years old, lives with his sister, his mother and also some men. They all have the same face and nest in closets, drawers, TV set…
Mom’s Clothes
Jordan Wong – 5:35 – United States
"I did the thing I was told to do, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I'm pretty strong but if you bully me enough, it'll wear me down." A nonfiction reflection on being out of the closet. As a queer person of color, it's taken me a long time to be as comfortable as I am through navigating forms of intimacy, gender, and self worth. It doesn't always get better, but you're beautiful however you decide to present, including the choice of garments you decide to wear.
Malte Stein – 9:55 – Germany
A dirty lake bursts its banks and begins to flood the town. At last there´s a good reason to keep the son at home. But in isolation, nightmarish associations start to mix with reality. And whilst outside the world sinks peacefully under water, a domestic apocalypse rages inside.
Claudius Gentinetta – 3:40 – Switzerland
In a veritable firework display of digital selfport-raits, hundreds of quaint, embarrassing and dread-fully disturbing selfies were arranged in a unique short film composition. Single photos, artistically reworked, consolidate to form a ghastly grin that outshines the abyss of human existence.
Justine Vuylsteker – 5:27 – France
Standing still in front of the open window, a woman stares at the dark clouds that obscure the sky. Immobile, she fights against the remembrances of the past. In the clouds, a passionate embrace appears.
Ofer Winter & Shimon Engel – 4:07 – Israel
The City of Jerusalem holds a gun to our head in this head-spinning race through history.
Daria Kashcheeva – 14:44 – Czech Republic
Should you hide your pain? Close yourself inside your inner world, full of longing for your father’s love and its displays? Or should you understand and forgive before it is too late?
